Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is happiness?

        What is happiness?
Happiness has many different kind of definition. Different people have their own perspective of happiness. For poor people, happiness for them just by gives them food, they will be very happy about it, and thinks that is the happiness for them. On the other hand, for those people who  I have different happiness at different time.
When I was kindergarten, I always want to go home; I hate school, because I don’t know them well. I don’t like to hang out with them, so I always pretend that I’m sick, so I can go home play with my brothers. For that time, that is the happiness for me.
As I grow up, I’m elementary school now,(6th grade) all I want is to stay in school, play with my friends, I wish that I are rich, t

he happiness for them is to get more and more moneys. For me,can sleep in the school with the friends. Play some game, basketball, badminton, ping pong. I’m always the last person leave the school. When is vacation, I miss school so much, especial my friends, I can’t wait until the vacation is over. I just call them out and play. That is the happiness for me.
Now I’m middle school now, I start like the house, always stay in the house, maybe is because I came to Saipan, I don’t know the language, I can’t communicate with others. I don’t have many friends when I was middle school, I hate school, I learn nothing. I start playing game, so wallow on game. Play every day when I was home. My mom says that I change a lot compare to middle school. The main reason is the language thing, even through someone talk to me, I can’t understand. After 2 years, I can able talk to others and understand what other s saying. For this, the happiness is to play game a lot.
Finally I’m high school now, I know everyone in my class, not only the people in the class, also in the school. I have a lot of friends now, I quit the game thing, I start play with my friends again, we party, go to field trip together, having fun. This is the best time in my life; I will never forget my high school life, which is also my happiness in high school.
Everyone have their own different happiness, when my mom give me a new phone, I feel happiness. When someone did some that you are very happy at, that is one of the happiness. I don’t know about everyone’s happiness, but everyone at least will have happiness in your life somehow.

Happiness can define as a lot things, you can feel. I wish that everyone can a lot of happiness in their life.

What book benefit you the most and how?

What book benefit you the most and how?
     I never think of this topic before, I think that all book are benefit to me, they helps me a lot things in life and it taught me a lot. I read so many books; I have no idea which one benefits me the most. I read a small book call: Driver’s Handbook. I have an exam on this book, for taking a drivers license test, I have to study this book able to pass. I think most of people that have license already had read this book. First I thought this book will be boring, but actually I found out something that is interesting to me.
     The first reason that I pick this book is because this taught me a lot rules about driving, benefit me the most about the car. When I start touching car is when I was 15 years old, I don’t know how to control it, and I don’t even know how you start the engine. I’m very interesting on car, so I read a lot of book about car, but I don’t get it until I read this small handbook. Before I drive, I thought that you need two foot to control the things, but now I know that you just need one foot to control it. Also for the mirror, I don’t know how to use them, I thought there just there, and now I know that th
ere are uses for the backup. When you take the license test, I thought you just need any kind of car to take, after I read. You need a car that have certain thing like: safely glass, windshield, headlight, mirror, seat belts and shoulder straps, brake lights and tail lights, signal lights and good tires, license plate with light, parking and tight exhaust system, parking brake, brake, horn. This is what you need for the test.
It also taught me the different things of car. When you turn on the light, and when you turn on the head light. I thought they are no difference between light and headlight. The book say, the light is the one you usually turn on, and for the headlight, you only turn one when you can see cars, but when there is car in front of you, you have to change to regular light, the headlight will hurt people’s eye.
Before I came to Saipan, I never knew about the school bus, and when the school bus stop, all the car have to stop, also for the emergency car, you have to drive slow and make a pass way for the emergency car. This is the most important thing I learn from this book, because in China, I saw a few school buses, but when the students get down, no car will stop for that, that is the surprise for me. And for the emergency car, in Saipan you have to get the emergency car goes first, but it doesn't happen in China.
This book taught me a lot of new things; also make me have a new perspective for driving. I learn a lot.


A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good idea to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

  A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good idea to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?
They both have their own advantage and disadvantage. I like both of them, I wish I could have. Look and clothing is good, I don’t know about what other thinks, but I think have a good idea is more important than look and clothing. No matter what, the idea can make very big change, but look or clothing will not.  
I think look and clothing is better but this doesn't match with the today’s topic, which is to succeed. I don’t think that look and clothing will be more succeed than having a good idea. The advantage for look or clothing depends on the job, if you are normal businessman, no one will look at your face, and all they care is that if you work hard and if you can make money for the company. If there are dealing with model, of course looks and clothing is more important than have a good idea, because the model is only looking for a handsome guy. They don’t need good idea for that job. Also like designer, have to be fashion enough to teach the younger people. Idol need look and clothing too, if there are not handsome, no one will like them, especial for girls. Look or clothing is better to get girls, and friends. The more handsome you are, the more friends you will have. When you go out, people will always look at you, and want to be friends with you. Still have good idea more likely to be succeeded.
Having a good idea is much much more important than look or clothing. The most advantage of having good idea is that, it last longer, meaning that you come came up with thousands of good idea, but not look or clothing. Once you get old, you will lose the ability, you will not look as handsome as before. Having good idea doesn't matter how old you are, you can still think a good ideas even thorough you are 70 years old. One more things, is that look only for the personal and idea can make huge difference. A good idea can worth 1 million dollars. It can save a company’s life. Look or clothing can’t do like that, and they will be not very succeed like those people who have good ideas. Look or clothing will not last longer as people who having the good ideas. When you go a company for job, they will ask you some questions, if you answer very good, they will just accepted you, they don’t care about the face or anything, they just want people to have a good idea, and can make money for them, that is all they want. When you look at those rich people, almost all of them looks normal, in the world they are only few people that have both of having good ideas and handsome.

If is me, I will choose having good idea first, and then look or clothing, for more succeed. Look or clothing is better for social life, and having good idea is for real society. 

What is the greatest strength of human?

     What is the greatest strength of human?
     The greatest strength of human is to speak and write. Having both speak and writing skill is the best strength of human. No others could do this, only human could do this. I know that some of the animals could speak too, but they can’t write. We are glad that God had given this kind of strength to human. Human have many different kind of strength, but I think that speak and write is most important thing.
     For the strength of human, the first and the most important thing I think that human strength is speak. If you can’t speak, we can’t communicate with other people, if you can’t communicate with others, you can’t do such things like, speech, and something that is talking. Speak is really important for me, I think that if I can’t speak, I will not do anything. I will just give up my life, because I can’t do anything without talking. Speak is very good for the human, so they can able to communicate with others able to do things together, help each others. Speaking can change many things in real life, many people have a job that is only talk, speaking can be job or other things, and it’s very helpful in our everyday life. If you can’t speak, they are a lot of stuff and things that you can’t do it. Speaking is one of the strength for the human.
     The other strength of human is write skill; many people think writing is not important as the speaking. But if you think carefully, some time that they are something that you can’t describe, the other way to say is to write them down. Sometimes that writing is the best way to tell a story or other stuff. For some handicap, they can’t speak; they born with no speak ability, so the writing skill is the best way for them to tell something to other people. Writing can earn tons of money, they are many artist in the world, they can use their magic pen create a beautiful picture and some art. If you don’t have hand to write something, you can’t do such thing like: cooking, driving, typing and lot things that deal with hand. The biggest difference between animals and human is that we can write, and we are smarter. Some of the animals can speak, but is not much as human today. We can speak a lot, we can tell everything thing by speaking to others.
     They are more human strength in the world, such as: emotional and others, not only those two that I just mention it, the reason that I choose this two is because that I like this two the most. They are all useful in my life, I use this every day in my life.    

     They are many stuff in the world that only can do it with speak and write. So I think both of this is the best strength for human.