Thursday, December 12, 2013

It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree

     It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree.
     I think I will be in between. They both have good and bad. I like to move one place to another, but also like to stay in one play.
     The good thing about stay in one city or town, is that you can know a lot friends, if you move, you have to start over to get friends, is not big deal with me, because I know that I can get a lots of friends, but still I don’t want to. Lazy. When you have best friends in a city or town, you will never think that you will move again. I stay in China for 11 years, I never think I that I will come to Saipan. I love my friends, special the friend that I play every day with. I miss them so so so so so much. I want to go back and play with them. I stay in Saipan for 4 years, if you tell me to leave, I will never do that. The reason that I visit Saipan is because my parents say that I just stay here for 2 month, but after 2 month. I ask them, they say you have to stay here for schooling. I get shocked. I say why you don’t tell me early, so I can say good bye to my friends. OMG. My parents say if I tell you early, you will not come, I know you like your friends in China, but I just want you stay here, so I lie to you. I was so mad at them, but now everything seems alright. I get use to it now. The bad thing about stay in one city or town is that you only know about one city, you will not learn a different thing like: culture, people, and language.
A lot of people like to travel around the world, to see different things. Move from one place to another place is good too. You can learn more stuff than if you are only stay in one city or town. You have more chance to learn things, and you will get many different kind of friends. You can also see a lot different place, know more about the culture.
They bad thing for move one place to another place, you have to move all the things, you need to tell someone transporting all the stuff for you, and you have to pay them. It cost a lot, like the transporting and the airplane ticket, and other stuff. This is very big deal, but the most important thing that you need is have to know the language. When you go to a different place other them speak English or Chinese. You have to learn, and I hate learning language. For me is better to stay in the city or town, and also can save some money. If my mom will spend the money on moving house to other place, I will tell my mom, if you spend that money on moving house, better just give for pin money.

I like stay in one play, even thought I like to move. Stay one city is better for me.

WHAT I believe on art?

         WHAT I believe on art?
     I think art have many different kind of uses, art can make someone very creative. When we are in kindergarten, we have art class, because the teacher want every student to be creative person, it will help you in the future.  
     They are several kind of art, the first one is can benefit to yourself, also could benefit to others. I mean benefit to you is the art can make lots and lots of money just by one single picture. Sometimes, the artists make one art and give to other, just for helping them. They are many artist in the whole world, they always can come out with new art. I don’t know about how the way people look at those arts, they can spent millions and millions dollars on those piece of art. Maybe they are certain thing in the art that I didn’t know, and that worth millions of dollars. I wish I know the interesting of the art, because when I was in China, my friends always invited me to those art show, and I don’t know what to see, all I see is those boring picture, but for my friends, they always laugh and discuses together. I’m the only one that don’t know what is art out of my whole class, they always tell me to learn, and I try to learn, but is really boring, and after while, I still don’t know what is meaning in art. Maybe is because I was young, I don’t have any creative at all, so I don’t know about what those artist thinking.
Art can also be a job, designer. For people nowadays, if you want to join a fashion school, they will tell you to drawing a picture about fashion, such as: cloth design, shoes, hat etc. They just want to know if you have any idea on fashion, how creative you are. If you have good picture, they will ask you why you draw this, and you have to tell them your idea. If your idea seems good, they will accept you, because your idea is very creative. Art can show people how creative you are, and how smart you are. Art class is the one seems not important, but actually is important.
Although I don’t know anything about art, but at least I like to drawing. The other believes of art is it can help me to get rid out my stress. When I’m really stressed, I will draw something that can make me happy. I always did that and it always work well. Now, I’m trying my best to learn about art, and hopefully I can go to any art show if I have chance.
 I always think that the artist have different kind of think, they always think the way that I never think of it, and they always have some new things come out from their mind if they see something interesting, they will draw it down and fix it later make it nicer.
I really like art now, and I enjoy it..
      No more blog…       vacation.//.

Meaning of life.
     I don’t get today’s topic, which is what is meaning of life. I don’t think they are some specific meaning for life, I thought life just a life. Everyone have different kind of meaning of life, and the way I think of life is too alive. Not to achieve something, but just for live.
     I have seen a book; it says that they are certain distance between live and death is called life, and how you go through the distance is called life. I always think that life have very big relationship with live. For my life, I did the same thing over and over, such as: wake up I the morning, eat breakfast, go to school until afternoon, play game, eat dinner, and then go to sleep. This is what I do every day, and this is not the way that my life should. This is not the meaning of life that I want to; I want to change the life now I have. I often ask myself, now my life is meaningless, why I still live.

     I was try to find out the answer by use technology, but it prove that even the technology can’t explain the meaning of life is and can’t give me the exactly answer. They have many different kind of answer for different job of people. For the poor people they think the meaning of life is to get rich, and for the scientist, the meaning of life is to create new things. For Thinker might says, meaning of life is to thinking. “Someone alive like dead, someone dies like still alive.” Thinker think that people who die, but because they did something effect the whole country or maybe whole world, even though he is die, people still know that and think that he is alive.
     I really don’t know what is my meaning of life, I try to solve, but is too hard for me.


     Justice can define as several definitions. The first one is Authority justice. Second one is Democracy justice, third one is Tradition justice, and fourth one is Rationality. I have no idea what those justice until today, my teacher told me.
     The first justice is authority, which mean to me is powerful justice, meaning have right to do things. Second one is democracy justice, which mean like kindly justice, not very cruel. Third one is traditional justice, which mean did like the old way; they way suppose to be in the past. And the fourth one is rationality justice, which means reasonable justice. For the above four justice, I don’t know any of them, and I don’t know what should I write about them. So I will go with what I think the justice is. For me, justice equal to telling truth. The truth is the right justice.     The justice that I mention it is by telling the truth. How did people justice on something, is basic on the right or wrong, and the justice represent the right side. For example, when they is a fighting between a guy and women, happen in Saipan. Who are the right die and who the wrong side is. The judge has to decide who is right and wrong, in that time the judge have to make a justice on that. And the judge says the woman is right, because the guy hit the women with no reason, and the guy is drunk. I think that is I called right justice. In this case the judge is telling the truth to the guy, meaning that is telling the justice to that guy. So I think the justice is by telling the truth.
     Justice usually use in the court, for the judge. Normal people don’t often say the word justice. For any of the Supreme Court, the judge has to know about the law able to make the right justice on any case. For some reason, it is very hard to learn about the justice, because sometime even the judge can’t decide the right justice on some weird cases. So I think the study of the justice is unknown, no one can learn everything on the justice, no one could master on the justice. They are still a lot of people try to found some new thing about justice, they try to make the prefect justice, they don’t want any mistake.
     This is what I think the justice is, I think my opinion is different with other peoples.
               Wait for my next blog,,,!!    Enjoy…  

What is truth?

      What is truth?
     Truth means true. The truth of something is the fact of something by my definition. I don’t know about other peoples, this is what I know about truth.
     I don’t really know what other mean for the truth, but today’s topic is to define what the true meaning of truth is. The best definition for truth that I could find is the word fact and honest. I think these two words are the best describe of truth.
     The first one I will say is fact. Truth is fact, to tell someone the truth is the same thing to tell the fact. For example, if today Will stole my $ 100, and I didn’t know and I just blame on Jehn, Jehn will get mad at me, because he didn’t do anything. After all, I know the truth of this whole thing, because someone tells me that is Will stole my money. This is the truth, also is the fact. The fact of this example is that Will stole my money, and I blame on a wrong person.
     For the second one is honest, I don’t really think this is the word for truth, I think that this should me together with the fact, because when someone tell you a truth or fact, maybe that person is lying too, so the first rule before you tell someone the truth, you have to be a very honest person, so that person can trust you. If you are not, we can consider you telling the wrong truth. Honest is very important thing when you are telling someone the truth. For example if one day, one of my best friend got suspension, and he tell me to tell the whole class to say goodbye, say he is going back to China for three days, and I told to the whole class that he got expelled. My entire classmate think that is the real result to my friend, but the truth is that he only got three days suspension. See that is why honest is important.   
     For the above two word that I just mention it, is the only two words that I can think of it. I think these words can truly tell someone what is the meaning of truth. I like people be honest to me, and also tell me the truth of everything. I don’t like people lie to me or don’t want to tell me the truth, especially my best friends.
     You know that sometime is better for someone to not know about the truth. Maybe the truth will hurt he or she a lot, but still is better to tell everything.  


How to connect to others

        How to connect to others.
     I don’t know what is the topic’s mean, but the way I connect to others is by talk to other, message to other, or call. Of course they are many different way, such as: facebook, kakao talk, email, letter, and my favorite is QQ. I like QQ meanly because I can use in anywhere I want. Facebook is also good, but it doesn’t work at China, that makes me very unhappy.
For two reasons that I like about QQ. first I like QQ is because is very useful, is not just useful, also it help you to recognize the friends. You know nowadays, a lot of people know how to hack stuff from QQ, try to get money from other people. For the people who add you, maybe he or she is good person, but who knows, maybe is bad guy who try to get money from you. QQ do the very good job on the recognize people. So if you add someone now, you can have all the detail from that person, so you won’t confuse. I don’t know about the bad guy, but I think that the bad guy don’t even have a brain, they don’t even think much. You can very easy tell if the person is good or bad. If the person doesn’t have profile picture, no name, and no age, you can know that guy is bad. The second reason is that I can use in anywhere I want to. I already mention it before, because I’m in Saipan, so I have to use Facebook, but when I to China, Facebook don’t work at all. In other hand, QQ can work in China as well as in Saipan. When you connect to others, you have to contact with them at all time, so QQ is the thing that I can use for it. It only can contact with my Chinese friends, because you can only type Chinese character, and American can’t do it.  
The second thing that I use to connect to others is by using Facebook. QQ is only for Chinese friends, and facebook is now I use the most, because I’m in Saipan. Facebook can use in the whole world, but I have no idea why it can’t use in China. Facebook is amazing messenger, you can search all the people in the world if you know their names, and that is the first reason that I like about facebook. I don’t know about other peoples, but I really like facebook. This is the way I connect to the people in Saipan or in US.
For my understanding, I only use messenger can connect to other, I think different people will have a different kind of the way to connect to others. I don’t know any other ways to connect other.

List 10 quotes that you live by.

List 10 quotes that you live by.
     I don’t read a lot of books, and I don’t think that I have 10 quotes that I live with. A lot of people are asking me what quotes that make me live with; I had hard time to answer this question. I don’t know any of the quotes until today, since our topic is list 10 quotes that you live with, so I had to go to the website and check some quotes. I know some funny quotes, but not the quotes that I live with.

The first quotes that I look up. I like this quotes so much, and I welling to learn it, but I can’t. It’s too hard for me to do it now. One idea will change your whole life.
     This is the second quote I live with. You are not bound to win or succeed, you live what you have now, don’t blame what you have now.
     This is the third quote, this quote make me realize that in this world no one is alone when they found something is special to them.
     This is the fourth quote that I live with, the people who don’t do anything is the real evil in the world.
This is the fifth quote I live with, they are a lot of signs in life, and don’t let other thing blow your mind, stay clear and do whatever you think is right.
     I don’t have ten quotes, this is only five quotes that I live with.


What are three qualities of true friends?

   What are three qualities of true friends?
     I know that everyone have a lot of friends, but I don’t think that people have many TRUE friends, because is hard to find a true friends. When you consider some one is you true friends, maybe that person didn’t think that you’re his true friends. It’s very hard to tell if that friends like you, want to be your friends, and be your true friends. I have lots and lots of friends, but I only have few true friends. I have no idea what is the three qualities of mine true friends. All I want for now is honest and we have the same hobby.
     In my opinion, the first quality of the true friends should be having a same hobby with me, also like to play with me. The reason I say this is because hobby is what make us in to friends first, and then we can become true friends. Before we become a true friend, we have to be friend first, and before friend, we have to see each other, before we see each other, we have to meet at some kind of activity, and hobby is the best thing that could bring us together and become friends. After I came to Saipan, I have no friends at all, I couldn’t communicate with others, but I found out the other way to get friends, is to play certain game, play sport or go to party. That is how I know a lot of friends.
     After the first quality of true friend, the second one is to be honest to each other. After the first thing hobby, we became a friend. The second thing is the important thing that would make us to be true friend, also best friend. I have a little story to tell you. I use to have one best friend in China. Someday I call him and tell him to come out play with me, I will treat him. I bring 100 dollars and he brings nothing. We went to a restaurant that we use to go, and order the stuff that we use to order, everything is like before, and nothing changes. During time we waiting for our food, I went to the restroom, put my wallet and phone on the desk. Until we finish the food, when I was paying, I found out that I lost 60 dollars. I ask my best friend did anyone touch my wallet, my friend say no one was touching your wallet. I can’t pay now, the cost is 45, and I only have 40 left. OMG. I don’t know what to do, and suddenly my friend take 20 out from his wallet and give to me. I was so happy, but when I look at that 20 dollars closely, I can see the mark that I do on my lost 60 dollars. I want to give my friend one more chance to tell me the truth, so I ask my friend again that did anyone touch my wallet? He still says no. after that, I tell my friend that the 20 dollars you just give me, is mine money, and there is mark on that. Two letters on that money, was XU. He freak out, and say sorry. I’m saying that why you lie to me, you can just borrow from me, why you took from my wallet, we are best friend, and I will let you. He just keeping says sorry to me, but I just ignore it. We are not best friend anymore, nope, not even friend. 

     I only have to qualities of true friends. Honest and same hobby.