Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to connect to others

        How to connect to others.
     I don’t know what is the topic’s mean, but the way I connect to others is by talk to other, message to other, or call. Of course they are many different way, such as: facebook, kakao talk, email, letter, and my favorite is QQ. I like QQ meanly because I can use in anywhere I want. Facebook is also good, but it doesn’t work at China, that makes me very unhappy.
For two reasons that I like about QQ. first I like QQ is because is very useful, is not just useful, also it help you to recognize the friends. You know nowadays, a lot of people know how to hack stuff from QQ, try to get money from other people. For the people who add you, maybe he or she is good person, but who knows, maybe is bad guy who try to get money from you. QQ do the very good job on the recognize people. So if you add someone now, you can have all the detail from that person, so you won’t confuse. I don’t know about the bad guy, but I think that the bad guy don’t even have a brain, they don’t even think much. You can very easy tell if the person is good or bad. If the person doesn’t have profile picture, no name, and no age, you can know that guy is bad. The second reason is that I can use in anywhere I want to. I already mention it before, because I’m in Saipan, so I have to use Facebook, but when I to China, Facebook don’t work at all. In other hand, QQ can work in China as well as in Saipan. When you connect to others, you have to contact with them at all time, so QQ is the thing that I can use for it. It only can contact with my Chinese friends, because you can only type Chinese character, and American can’t do it.  
The second thing that I use to connect to others is by using Facebook. QQ is only for Chinese friends, and facebook is now I use the most, because I’m in Saipan. Facebook can use in the whole world, but I have no idea why it can’t use in China. Facebook is amazing messenger, you can search all the people in the world if you know their names, and that is the first reason that I like about facebook. I don’t know about other peoples, but I really like facebook. This is the way I connect to the people in Saipan or in US.
For my understanding, I only use messenger can connect to other, I think different people will have a different kind of the way to connect to others. I don’t know any other ways to connect other.

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