seven deadly sins
The seven deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, envy, lust, and gluttony. I think I have all the deadly sins, mostly the sloth and the gluttony.
This two are the most sins to me, more on the gluttony. I'm fat because I can't control my food, I eat a lot.
People usually eat three meals a day, but me sometimes eat more than three meals a day. I just can't control, even if i full, if saw a delicious food, i can still eat more. I don't know why.
I like to go to buffet, I can eat as many as i want to, and now my mom is afraid to bring me to buffet. HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA, I can't control. No matter what, nothing can stop me to eat a lot. I came to Saipan in 2009, I was skinny. Because is first to come to Saipan, there is a lot of food that i never seems before. It make me very interesting. I eat a lot every day. Sometime I eat five meals a day, and is all high calories. After one years, I became fat and fat. I had told myself stop eating like that, and it just doesn't work at all. I also told myself to lose weight, stop eat, never work. I just like eating, if is eating time, i will put everything away,go to dinner or lunch. Nothing bothering me when is time to eat. I hate gluttony, it make me change a lot.
I have another sins, is Sloth. I'm a very lazy person. I don't like to move much,I like to sleep and play computer game.I like to were a shortcut cloth, stupid hair style. My mom always tell me to go out have fun, but I always say no. I don't know why i don't like to move, is not because i'm fat,even through i'm skinny, i don't like to move too, is other reason, but i don't know why. Every time my mom tell me to do something, i do it very slowly. My mom always get mad on what i do things. Just lazy and i don't want to do anything beside sleep and computer game. I hope other people don't do the same things as what i do, is very bad sins to have. Personally I hate sloth, but I can't change what I'm doing now. I think i will never change this sins. I do hope that i will change someday in the future.
The overall seven deadly sins. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Greed is the desire for the material wealth or gain. Wrath is over anger. Lust is the cravings for the pleasures of the body. Gluttony is the desire to consume more than that which one requires. Envy is the desire for other's traits, statuses, abilities, or situation.
People scared of this seven deadly sins, but all the people have at least one or two of the sins. They can't get away from this seven sins.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
trip to CHina
I didn't go to a lot of place,because I don't really want to go. I rather stay in the house and jam computer.The most funny and cool trip I had in my life is during last summer. I went to China, which is my hometown. Many people think that this is not trip at all, mainly is because that was my hometown. For the people did't know me, I stay in Saipan for four years. It seems to is a trip.
They are a lot of stuff change in my hometown, I could't remember anything in China. Only few friend that still knows me well. As I said that this is the best trip, because that my hometown change a lot, and they have a lot of new thing to play with.It just make my trip more better. Over last summer, I went to china for summer vacation. Me and two of my brother, three of us went to china together. The first good thing about this trip is that they are no parents follow us, we can have some FUN!!!! My mom suppose go with me, but My brother come back, so my mom decide tell my old brother to bring me to China. I'm still underage. The other good thing about no parents follow is that I can just play what I what, and do what I want to do. No one will against me. No control at all, that is what every child want. HAHAHAHAH!
The main point of this trip is to make my visa, F1 visa. During the trip, three of us all went to Shang Hai. Make visa over there. We took half day on the visa things, but we still have one day left, so we decide to go to amusement park. We order the ticket before the day we play, we just worry that it will have no ticket to play on that day. After that we go settle down on a hotel, waiting for next day to come. Next day, we come to that amusement park 9 a.m . Can't believe that they is lot of people. Lucky that we bought the ticket the day before. We go inside, is a very big place, a lot of things to play. We start with the most the GuMu flying. that is the most fast and dangerous car I never ride in my whole life. As you can see in that photo, my face was little weird. It's scared.We have lots fun on that. Tired ...... after we play, we ride a bus go back to my hometown.
The most important things about this trip is to meet my friends. I did't see them for four years, I miss them SO SO SO SO much. After I finish my visa things, I start calling my friend out and have fun.My friend seems not know me well, I change a lot, face, height,hair style, special my weight. Nobody know me. I think I'm the only one knows everyone, I did't forgot them, even through had been four years we did't see each other.They didn't change a lot. No matter I change or they change, I'm so glad that we are meet again. This trip is so fast, is time to say goodbye to my hometown, my friends. I miss you, I love you so much.....
This is the best trip that I never had.
I didn't go to a lot of place,because I don't really want to go. I rather stay in the house and jam computer.The most funny and cool trip I had in my life is during last summer. I went to China, which is my hometown. Many people think that this is not trip at all, mainly is because that was my hometown. For the people did't know me, I stay in Saipan for four years. It seems to is a trip.

The most important things about this trip is to meet my friends. I did't see them for four years, I miss them SO SO SO SO much. After I finish my visa things, I start calling my friend out and have fun.My friend seems not know me well, I change a lot, face, height,hair style, special my weight. Nobody know me. I think I'm the only one knows everyone, I did't forgot them, even through had been four years we did't see each other.They didn't change a lot. No matter I change or they change, I'm so glad that we are meet again. This trip is so fast, is time to say goodbye to my hometown, my friends. I miss you, I love you so much.....
This is the best trip that I never had.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
i dk....
own knowledge VS someone for help and advice
In real life, a person have to get a help from other person. It's not because the person want to get a help, is because that person have to get a help, otherwise that person can't do it or make it. I really like to ask my friend for help, is not because I don't want to do it, I'm just too lazy to do it. Today my title is that use your own knowledge or ask some one for help and advice. I like both ways, but today I can only choose one of them and talk about it.
You know what, people usually ask other people for help. They don't really trust them self. For example there are two boys are taking classwork, one boy is very smart, one is kind of stupid, you know what, the smart boy asking the stupid boy for answers. This shows that a smart boy can't trust them self, the smart boy have to ask another boy, make sure that his answer is correct. Of course you can't always trust other person. Sometime you have to make your own decision, when you are marry, your are the one making all the decision. You have no choices, you have to use our own knowledge to make it.
In real life, a person have to get a help from other person. It's not because the person want to get a help, is because that person have to get a help, otherwise that person can't do it or make it. I really like to ask my friend for help, is not because I don't want to do it, I'm just too lazy to do it. Today my title is that use your own knowledge or ask some one for help and advice. I like both ways, but today I can only choose one of them and talk about it.
You know what, people usually ask other people for help. They don't really trust them self. For example there are two boys are taking classwork, one boy is very smart, one is kind of stupid, you know what, the smart boy asking the stupid boy for answers. This shows that a smart boy can't trust them self, the smart boy have to ask another boy, make sure that his answer is correct. Of course you can't always trust other person. Sometime you have to make your own decision, when you are marry, your are the one making all the decision. You have no choices, you have to use our own knowledge to make it.
I have no idea why we have this topic, both of them seems all correct. If is me have to answer this question, I would like to ask people for help. Everyone have a limit of own knowledge, people can't know everything. If a person know about everything, why they still using some other device. See that, no matter how smart you are, you can't do everything by your own. I always ask my mom for help, she always say that I can help you now, but I can't help after you grow up. My mom also say, don't always ask other people for help, you need to try your best to solve a question, you don't even try, how you know that you can'y do it. I know that I have to try my best to do on everything, but it just can't work well on me. Sometime I try to solve a question, but I don't get it. It just too hard for me to solve, then I will ask my friend for help. My mom say that, if you ask your friend for help, make sure you get it, and make sure you memorize it, don't ask your friend same question again and again. If your friend just tell you the answer, is not good for you, because you still don't get it. You have to know how to do it, you have to make it to your own knowledge. If that is what you do, it will help you a lot.
I like to ask other people for help, it is very helpful and important skill. In any collage, those professor require student to ask them questions. My high school teacher also say that student should ask teacher for help. Asking people is a skill, other people should learn how to ask for help. If you don't get it, ask right away. Teacher won't know unless you ask them for help, otherwise teacher will just assume that you get everything. Of course you have learn that how to make everything to your own knowledge, teacher won't repeat over and over.
I think people should use both ways to do, if you only use one way, it can't do well. If you did both, you well became a very success person.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Love Style >>>>>>>>>>
Metaphor of Love
Love seems to me is a very far place to reach.I'm not old enough to feel the real love.They are a lot of different type of love,such as:men and women love, friend's love, father, brothers and sisters love, the love between the two generations, the love between teachers and students.Love can be sweet, bitter,sugar,poison, let you in and unable to extricate themselves.
Shakespeare said that "love is like a flower in the mountain, if you want to pick that flower up, you need courage to do it." This quote I never forget in my life.If you don't have the courage to face the love a person,then he will lose the love. Love is a good thing, for this love must pay the prize,the prize is a courage. If you don't have the courage, the love will come in a hurry, go in a hurry. You don't have the courage in love inside,you will be a coward,he will only escape.After I read Shakespeare's word, I just realize that love this thing is not easy to come to you.You have to catch on time, love won't wait for you.
Love this little flower, need a sunshine to make it grow, is like have courage face on love. Love is a very interesting stuff, you never found out the real way to love. It's because when you found out the way, I think you already fall in to the love with someone, and then you will forgot how to found the love.The first thing to able fall in love with someone, is that courage. If you don't have courage, how you going to ask a girl out. If you have no courage, love will never happen.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none, by Shakespeare. You love everyone, but you can't trust everyone , and you can't do anything to anyone.Every thing before love, you need courage to make it.For example. There is a boy and girl, the boy really likes the girl,but he don't have the courage to say it. He is afraid that the girl will reject it. The girl is also like boy, she is waiting for the boy ask, but the boy never say that until they graduate. They both marry now. The boy ask the girl, did you love me when I was at high school? The girl cry and say, yea, I was waiting for you, but you did't say it. See what happen to this couple, they both like each other, just because the boy did't have the courage to say it. Make both of them sad.
Love is really good thing, you can't control in your hand will. please remember that you need a courage,courage to do it.
Love seems to me is a very far place to reach.I'm not old enough to feel the real love.They are a lot of different type of love,such as:men and women love, friend's love, father, brothers and sisters love, the love between the two generations, the love between teachers and students.Love can be sweet, bitter,sugar,poison, let you in and unable to extricate themselves.
Shakespeare said that "love is like a flower in the mountain, if you want to pick that flower up, you need courage to do it." This quote I never forget in my life.If you don't have the courage to face the love a person,then he will lose the love. Love is a good thing, for this love must pay the prize,the prize is a courage. If you don't have the courage, the love will come in a hurry, go in a hurry. You don't have the courage in love inside,you will be a coward,he will only escape.After I read Shakespeare's word, I just realize that love this thing is not easy to come to you.You have to catch on time, love won't wait for you.
Love this little flower, need a sunshine to make it grow, is like have courage face on love. Love is a very interesting stuff, you never found out the real way to love. It's because when you found out the way, I think you already fall in to the love with someone, and then you will forgot how to found the love.The first thing to able fall in love with someone, is that courage. If you don't have courage, how you going to ask a girl out. If you have no courage, love will never happen.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none, by Shakespeare. You love everyone, but you can't trust everyone , and you can't do anything to anyone.Every thing before love, you need courage to make it.For example. There is a boy and girl, the boy really likes the girl,but he don't have the courage to say it. He is afraid that the girl will reject it. The girl is also like boy, she is waiting for the boy ask, but the boy never say that until they graduate. They both marry now. The boy ask the girl, did you love me when I was at high school? The girl cry and say, yea, I was waiting for you, but you did't say it. See what happen to this couple, they both like each other, just because the boy did't have the courage to say it. Make both of them sad.
Love is really good thing, you can't control in your hand will. please remember that you need a courage,courage to do it.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Chili, Xu
As you read my last blog, you should know that I have to do this for every two days.YAP.Today's assignment is to describe ME! People did't really know who am I,so I will let you know about me in this blog. Hope you enjoy my blog!!! Hello, my name is Lizhou Xu. Nice to meet you. I'm sixteen years old,I was born in China. I came to Saipan since 2009,for four years already.I start with no English until 2010,I learn a lot of stuff in school.This is the biggest change in my life. I never think that I will have chance to go to Saipan.
ME.I'm a very nice person.My parents think I'm lazy just because I did my homework late,always did at last moment.They always tell me to cook,wash cloth,clean house,etc... I'm not lazy, I just don't want to do one of those thing.I rather go out play with my friends.
I like sport SO SO SO much, especially basketball.I like to watch NBA,I learn some move from TV. That picture is one of my favorite photo, those two player is my idol. They make a lot of history, own style move, just one word for them: AMAZING !!!!! I like some other sport too. Such as: baseball,volleyball,soccer,ping-pong,etc.... Sport is healthy for your body, you need to exercise everyday.I also like to swim, but because I always cramp.Every time I saw people going to swim,I'm like wow they go swim!!! My parents don't let me go in to water for long time,so every time I go swim,I went in to water just for twenty minutes.
I LOVE MUSIC!!!!! They are part of my life. I listen to music every day,never stop.I like too many singer.I don't want to list them all, but some of them most of people know already.I listen too many English song, almost forgot about Chinese song.This year I went to China,(OMG) I heard too many good songs. I fall love in the song. I download them all, I try to practice an able to sing better in KTV. If you have any good song, TELL ME!!!!1
This is me. I don't like homework,really don't like. I have two AP course this year,it make me crazy. I know student have to do such homework to improve their subject.I know if I write this blog every two days, I will improve my writing skill. I know this is my weakness, I try to do it.Every time I do, I fall to sleep. HAHAHAHAHA!! Homework, I will beat you some day. I will keep try !!
This is me, like sport,music,but not homework. I hope you know more about me after this blog!!!!
As you read my last blog, you should know that I have to do this for every two days.YAP.Today's assignment is to describe ME! People did't really know who am I,so I will let you know about me in this blog. Hope you enjoy my blog!!! Hello, my name is Lizhou Xu. Nice to meet you. I'm sixteen years old,I was born in China. I came to Saipan since 2009,for four years already.I start with no English until 2010,I learn a lot of stuff in school.This is the biggest change in my life. I never think that I will have chance to go to Saipan.
ME.I'm a very nice person.My parents think I'm lazy just because I did my homework late,always did at last moment.They always tell me to cook,wash cloth,clean house,etc... I'm not lazy, I just don't want to do one of those thing.I rather go out play with my friends.

I LOVE MUSIC!!!!! They are part of my life. I listen to music every day,never stop.I like too many singer.I don't want to list them all, but some of them most of people know already.I listen too many English song, almost forgot about Chinese song.This year I went to China,(OMG) I heard too many good songs. I fall love in the song. I download them all, I try to practice an able to sing better in KTV. If you have any good song, TELL ME!!!!1

This is me, like sport,music,but not homework. I hope you know more about me after this blog!!!!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
FUN Writing。。。。。
Junior Year's Resolution
Hello. This is the beginning of my junior years. I'm so excited also worry about how hard is the junior year. I'm scared. Yap. This is what we have to do for Journalism class.It drive me crazy, we have to do this for every Journalism class we had.I had so many resolution, but none of them I did.I just don't want to say it, because mine resolution never became true. I still have to tell what is mine resolution for my Journalism class.
Every time I pass the street, looking at the cloth shop. I'm afraid to walk in, because I'm scared if they don't have that cloth's size for me.They will laugh at me.
After that, every new year resolution. The first one always is be to lose weight. Even this year, my first resolution is to LOSE WEIGHT!!!! It does't matter how much I lose, I just want to be look skinny.As i say, I already start my first resolution. I didn't eat dinner for 8 days, but I didn't lose any weight.WHY!!! I'm so sad, I have no idea about lose weight. I just thought that I eat too much, but I realize even I don't eat dinner I can't lose any weight. I ask my friend for help. Most of them say that you have to work out, exercise. EXERCISE? which mean that I have to run? OMG!! Running is the worse exercise I ever had.I just hated running.I know if I run, I will lose some weight.The problem is that I can't keep up run every day.I need to go practice more about how to focus on one thing, so I can keep up on one thing. Persist. This is my first resolution. If any one can give me a suggest how to lose weight, I'm happy to accept your suggest.
After I lose my weight, my second goal is to work in DFS Galleria. I have been work for some reason in different place, but the best place to work is in DFS(mine best !). I think that place have everything that worker needs and it's cold. HAHAHAH!!!! I don't go now is because I was fat, wear those cloth not good looking. That place is hard to get in, they don't accept all the people that applied. I need more experiences to able get in that place. The other thing about work is that I can also learn some English from that. When you communicate with other people and help, your English will become much much better. Where is the best place for work? My answer always is DFS.
First two resolution is always there. This resolution just came to my mine this week.During the pass summer I went to China, visited my friend.I didn't go to China since 2009, and this summer I went.I just realize that China have so many fun, so many stuff that I can play with.Such as club,shopping mode,Disneyland,etc.... The 3rd resolution is that I want to use my own money to go China.How cool is that!! Use my own money.I have to go China, I miss my friend.All three of my resolution is relate to each other. I need to lose weight first, go work and then go China. I wish my junior year's resolution success.I will keep up!!!
This is my junior year resolution, I hope this time I will do last longer than before. HAHAAHHAHA!!!!
Hello. This is the beginning of my junior years. I'm so excited also worry about how hard is the junior year. I'm scared. Yap. This is what we have to do for Journalism class.It drive me crazy, we have to do this for every Journalism class we had.I had so many resolution, but none of them I did.I just don't want to say it, because mine resolution never became true. I still have to tell what is mine resolution for my Journalism class.

After that, every new year resolution. The first one always is be to lose weight. Even this year, my first resolution is to LOSE WEIGHT!!!! It does't matter how much I lose, I just want to be look skinny.As i say, I already start my first resolution. I didn't eat dinner for 8 days, but I didn't lose any weight.WHY!!! I'm so sad, I have no idea about lose weight. I just thought that I eat too much, but I realize even I don't eat dinner I can't lose any weight. I ask my friend for help. Most of them say that you have to work out, exercise. EXERCISE? which mean that I have to run? OMG!! Running is the worse exercise I ever had.I just hated running.I know if I run, I will lose some weight.The problem is that I can't keep up run every day.I need to go practice more about how to focus on one thing, so I can keep up on one thing. Persist. This is my first resolution. If any one can give me a suggest how to lose weight, I'm happy to accept your suggest.
After I lose my weight, my second goal is to work in DFS Galleria. I have been work for some reason in different place, but the best place to work is in DFS(mine best !). I think that place have everything that worker needs and it's cold. HAHAHAH!!!! I don't go now is because I was fat, wear those cloth not good looking. That place is hard to get in, they don't accept all the people that applied. I need more experiences to able get in that place. The other thing about work is that I can also learn some English from that. When you communicate with other people and help, your English will become much much better. Where is the best place for work? My answer always is DFS.
First two resolution is always there. This resolution just came to my mine this week.During the pass summer I went to China, visited my friend.I didn't go to China since 2009, and this summer I went.I just realize that China have so many fun, so many stuff that I can play with.Such as club,shopping mode,Disneyland,etc.... The 3rd resolution is that I want to use my own money to go China.How cool is that!! Use my own money.I have to go China, I miss my friend.All three of my resolution is relate to each other. I need to lose weight first, go work and then go China. I wish my junior year's resolution success.I will keep up!!!
This is my junior year resolution, I hope this time I will do last longer than before. HAHAAHHAHA!!!!
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