Wednesday, August 28, 2013

deadly sins

                            seven deadly sins
     The seven deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, envy, lust, and gluttony. I think I have all the deadly sins, mostly the sloth and the gluttony.
This two are the most sins to me, more on the gluttony. I'm fat because I can't control my food, I eat a lot.
     People usually eat three meals a day, but me sometimes eat more than three meals a day. I just can't control, even if i full, if saw a delicious food, i can still eat more. I don't know why.
   I like to go to buffet, I can eat as many as i want to, and now my mom is afraid to bring me to buffet. HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA, I can't control. No matter what, nothing can stop me to eat a lot. I came to Saipan in 2009, I was skinny. Because is first to come to Saipan, there is a lot of food that i never seems before. It make me very interesting. I eat a lot every day. Sometime I eat five meals a day, and is all high calories. After one years, I became fat and fat. I had told myself stop eating like that, and it just doesn't work at all. I also told myself to lose weight, stop eat, never work. I just like eating, if is eating time, i will put everything away,go to dinner or lunch. Nothing bothering me when is time to eat. I hate gluttony, it make me change a lot.

      I have another sins, is Sloth. I'm a very lazy person. I don't like to move much,I like to sleep and play computer game.I like to were a shortcut cloth, stupid hair style. My mom always tell me to go out have fun, but I always say no. I don't know why i don't like to move, is not because i'm fat,even through i'm skinny, i don't like to move too, is other reason, but i don't know why. Every time my mom tell me to do something, i do it very slowly. My mom always get mad on what i do things. Just lazy and i don't want to do anything beside sleep and computer game. I hope other people don't do the same things as what i do, is very bad sins to have. Personally I hate sloth, but I can't change what I'm doing now. I think i will never change this sins. I do hope that i will change someday in the future.                            
      The overall seven deadly sins. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Greed is the desire for the material wealth or gain. Wrath is over anger. Lust is the cravings for the pleasures of the body. Gluttony is the desire to consume more than that which one requires. Envy is the desire for other's traits, statuses, abilities, or situation.
      People scared of this seven deadly sins, but all the people have at least one or two of the sins. They can't get away from this seven sins.

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