Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Love Style >>>>>>>>>>

                Metaphor of Love
     Love seems to me is a very far place to reach.I'm not old enough to feel the real love.They are a lot of different type of love,such as:men and women love, friend's love, father, brothers and sisters love, the love between the two generations, the love between teachers and students.Love can be sweet, bitter,sugar,poison, let you in and unable to extricate themselves.

     Shakespeare said that "love is like a flower in the mountain, if you want to pick that flower up, you need courage to do it." This quote I never forget in my life.If you don't have the courage to face the love a person,then he will lose the love. Love is a good thing, for this love must pay the prize,the prize is a courage. If you don't have the courage, the love will come in a hurry, go in a hurry. You don't have the courage in love inside,you will be a coward,he will only escape.After I read Shakespeare's word, I just realize that love this thing is not easy to come to you.You have to catch on time, love won't wait for you.

    Love this little flower, need a sunshine to make it grow, is like have courage face on love. Love is a very interesting stuff, you never found out the real way to love. It's because when you found out the way, I think you already fall in to the love with someone, and then you will forgot how to found the love.The first thing to able fall in love with someone, is that courage. If you don't have courage, how you going to ask a girl out. If you have no courage, love will never happen.

      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none, by Shakespeare. You love everyone, but you can't trust everyone , and you can't do anything to anyone.Every thing before love, you need courage to make it.For example. There is a boy and girl, the boy really likes the girl,but he don't have the courage to say it. He is afraid that the girl will reject it. The girl is also like boy, she is waiting for the boy ask, but the boy never say that until they graduate. They both marry now. The boy ask the girl, did you love me when I was at high school? The girl cry and say, yea, I was waiting for you, but you did't say it. See what happen to this couple, they both like each other, just because the boy did't have the courage to say it. Make both of them sad.
     Love is really good thing, you can't control in your hand will. please remember that you need a courage,courage to do it.      

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