Sunday, October 6, 2013

defined of success

                     defined of success
     Every one have their own meaning of success. Success can have a lot of meaning.have money is success. get rich is success. be a manager is a success. all the success is depend on their own thinking.success is to complete something by your self. for me, success can be defined in three different ways.
     The first one that will make me success is to have money, i know a lot of have a same idea with me. money is one way to be success. a lot of people think that money can be success,because you can buy everything you want to buy and do everything that you want to do. In everyday life, people cant live without money, you have to use money every day. money is the best way to defined a success. every one is trying their best to get a high paying job but less working time. they needs money, but they also want to have a free life. for some one, money is everything, money is their life. for poor  can people, money is their life, because they cant support their family, so money is very important to them. their dream is to have money, if they have the money, they can be very successful. they can support their is the best thing to defined weather someone is success or not. if he or she is rich, of course people will think that they are rich and success. if a person is poor, people will just think that they are not success, even through that poor people think that they are success too, because the poor people have their own meaning of success.
     money is not everything, you cant buy love with money. love is other way of defined on success. my meaning of love is not just love, is family love. for me, family love is most important thing is the whole world, nothing is more important than family love.if your son or daughter is very success and have everything they have, but they dont have a family love. for me, that son or daughter is not very success, because when they are success, they forgot who is the one helping them and support them at all time. after they success, they forgot their parents, start not caring them anymore. i really hate that kind of person. once they success, they dont care anyone in the whole world. if is me. i will choose family love rather than the money or success.if i'm success, im happy,but my family is not happy , i will stop the job or whatever things, i would take a family trip to somewhere. make our family happy. if a person dont have a family love, i have no idea how they can be success. before you can be success is that you need you family support you to do something. dont forgot that is your family that make your through the success. if you success, you have a lot of money, and you dont have any of the family love, your money just useless. your family will just hate you.
     i want to be a successful person. i want to get a job,i want to have my first pay-check. hope i can success pass my class, also hope that i can go to the place that i want to go in the future. i wish i can go to the university that i wish to go. that is the best success mean to me. i dont need to much money. i want to have a trip with my family..

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