Sunday, October 6, 2013

If I were to be stranded, what are three things that you will bring?


I have never thought of this question, because I think I would never live alone in an island. If I was in an island, I think I will bring as much as I could bring. Stuff like: tent, light, and lighter, tool that can filter the water, gun, knife, rice, chicken, chips, and bring some friend with me. Today topic says that I could only bring three things and can’t bring friends. I don’t think that three things are enough for me. I think I can’t live in two days. I think I will bring tool that can filter the water, knife, and gun.
     The most important things when you live in an island that have nobody. Water is the first thing that you need. People can’t live without water for three days. We need a lot of water. Of course, they will be have a lot of water on that island, but is all dirty, so I bring the tool that can filter the water to clean water. If I don’t bring the tool, and I just drink the water without filter, maybe have poisons on that water, we all die. We have to drink healthy water. That is the main reason I bring the tool that can filter the water.
     The second one is the gun. Why bring gun? I have to eat, and I can’t fight without gun. I will lose to the animal. So I bring gun with a lot of bullet, I have to kill the animals. Food is very important too, have to eat. Also gun could safe me from those big animals. If they are some stupid, crazy animals want to attack me. Gun is the best to kill them; I just need a single shot. They die.
     The third things are knife. Knife seems not very important to other people, not to me is very important. Knife can be use on different ways. It’s very useful things. I can cut stuff, I can build house with knife. When you kill big animals, you can’t just eat it; you have to cut it in piece. You can’t cut without knife. When you live, you need a house. When you build something, you need wood to build the house. Only thing that can cut off the wood is knife. Build a house is very important. Animals will not attack you if they didn't see you. You can also build boat with knife, is really easy to do it.
Those three things probably I will bring with me if I were stranded. I know that whose three things are not enough for me. My stuff is knife, tool that can filter the water, and gun. I know everyone have their own different stuff to bring. I think those things that I bring hopefully could help me. 
   I hate to stay alone in an island, I hope that will never be true in my life. I don’t want to islands that have nobody. If I were stranded with my friend, maybe I will try to live once. HAHAHAHAHAHAHH   


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